As a Registered Training Organisation, ASPA Training needs to meet stringent quality control and record keeping parameters. The task of keeping track of equipment, given the various locations at which courses are conducted and ensuring that standards are maintained requires solid systems with easy-to-use checklists. ASPA Training prides itself on its easy access systems for students and staff. Refer to the menu on the left hand side for details on inforamtion available Student results are available through the webpage on entering surname and certificate number. If you have lost your certificate number, contact the State Course Director, or Vice President Education through the contacts webpage Fees vary depending on the course or modules in which you are enrolled. Individual course fees also vary by State and venue depending on the cost of the venue, accommodation and meals. You should check on the course enrolment form for the exact costs. Venue Selection is critical to the success of our programs as they often involve small-group work and require break-out areas from the main lecture facility. The practical nature of many of our vocational also requires considerable space for equipment and scenario role-plays. Details of venue selection requirements are located in the logistics area. ASPA maintains a towable trailer with equipment and resources for courses. During a course, equipment is available for loan from the mobile resource, by arrangement with the Course Director. See logistics for further information. Maintenance on equipment is arranged by the Course Director and new equipment is procured through the Vice President Education. Students are asked to report damaged equipment to the Course Director. See logistics for further information.