AQF Framework
The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is a single, coherent framework for qualifications from Senior Secondary Certificates through to Doctoral Degrees. The framework links together all these qualifications and is a quality-assured national system of educational recognition that promotes lifelong learning and a seamless and diverse education and training system. It covers qualifications issued by secondary schools, vocational education and training (VET) providers and higher education institutions. All qualifications are nationally recognised. Within the framework, there are six VET qualifications available: Certificates I, II, III and IV; Diploma and Advanced Diploma. Training Packages specify the combination of competency standards required to achieve a particular qualification. Learners who complete some, but not all, standards for a qualification are awarded a statement of attainment. When they are assessed as competent in the remaining standards, they get the qualification. Visit the Australian Qualifications Framework site for more information. Not to be confused with the AQTF? The Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) comprises two sets of nationally agreed standards to ensure the quality of vocational education and training services throughout Australia:
The Standards for Registered Training Organisations requires registered training organisations (RTOs) to:
State and territory registering/ course accrediting bodies also use the Standards for Registered Training Organisations when:
The Standards for State and Territory Registering/Course Accrediting Bodies provide nationally consistent auditor standards, audit practices and processes and cover:
AQF FrameworkASPA2013-02-08T09:48:06+00:00