Flexible Learning


ASPA Training uses a range of delivery and assessment methods. Because of the vocational needs of Patrollers to be able to deliver complex solutions to a range of injury management issues, a range of techniques are used to ensure that the best learning opportunities are provided:

  • instruction
  • demonstration
  • hands-on practical exercises
  • workbooks
  • study groups
  • At home workshops
  • e-learning
  • scenarios
  • coaching
  • facilitation
  • presentations using a range of aids

Lead Instructors and Course Directors are required to be qualified in Training Assessment and Delivery (to at least Certificate Level 4). All instructional staff are encouraged to attain this level of training through the Instructor Development Program.

Vice President Education (Chief Instructor) and all instructional designers are required to have significant experience in instructional design and assessment (to degree level) with specific skills in vocational training.

Each course has specific instructional strategies associated with particular components and students are encouraged to take advantage of these various techniques. Generally, multiple techniques are used to ensure the most effective learning outcomes. Reinforcement of concepts and practices occurs over the length of the course using a ‘simple to complex model’ for most aspects of the training. ‘Chunking for success’ is important to allow every learner to achieve the most from the training.

Teaching Reviews are conducted by VP Education of all instructors and feedback from students is obtained on every presentation, practical session and lecture conducted during the course. At the beginning of each short-course feedback sheets will be given to you by your course coordinator. Please complete them so that they can be built into the monitoring delivery process and improve our standards.

ASPA Training has as a core driver in its training approach Flexible Learning. Our ongoing instructor development programs, our course review processes and our instructional design all rely on this as a tenet for training delivery.

What is Flexible Learning?

Flexible learning expands choice on what, when, where and how people learn. It supports different styles of learning, including e-learning.

Flexibility means anticipating, and responding to, the ever-changing needs and expectations of VET clients – enterprises learners and communities.

The Australian Flexible Learning Framework (the Framework) views flexible learning as an approach rather than a system or technique;

  • it is based on the skill needs and delivery requirements of clients, not the interests of trainers or providers
  • it gives clients as much control as possible over what, when, where and how they learn
  • it makes use of the delivery methods most useful for the clients – especially e-learning

Flexible Learning Characteristics

Flexible Learning has ten characteristics, all of which are required if flexibility is to be achieved:

Driving forces

  • Emphasis on meeting client needs, recognising that each learner and enterprise has unique, complex skill needs, giving learners and enterprises greater influence over what is taught, where, when and how.
  • Convergence of technologies, their impact on the workforce and the advent of a Knowledge Society.

Learning choices

  • Greater choice for learners and enterprises in the what of training: including curriculum content, length and make-up of qualifications.
  • Greater flexibility for learners and enterprises in the where and when of training: mixing and matching on-campus teaching and remote delivery (workplace and home), and offering more flexible forms of access, entry and exit.
  • Greater variety for learners and enterprises in the how of training: especially through the use of self-instructional learning resources and online technologies.


  • Shifts in the nature of teachers’ work and the processes and technologies they use, including the encouragement and support of learner-centred approaches.
  • More flexible organisational systems and structures to support the above – including integrated student management and learning systems, appropriate funding models, and changes in the organisation of work.
  • Policies and processes which integrate each of the above elements.
  • Use of appropriate technologies to support each characteristic.
  • Collaboration and strategic alliances that encourage shared experience while strengthening competitive positioning.