Learning Support


The ASPA Electronic Library contains sample tests, training materials, PowerPoint presentations, scenarios and handouts.  It also provides access to the Asparations magazine.


Students should attempt to form learning groups for familiarisation with equipment. The equipment is available for loan, and instructors are available to attend evening group learning events.


The ASPA First Aid Manual is the authorised text for the ASPA Advanced Emergency Care course and is available for the Secretary and the Course Directors.


An electronic version of the ASPA First Aid Manual is available on CD at a cost of $15.00 (and contains colour photos, search function and additional materials).

Students are able to use a range of welfare resources and are provided with advice in the ASPA Training Handbook.



Additionally, web-based resources can assist students in dealing with issues associated with the course.


Flinders University Teaching for Learning

Handbook for Instructors on the use of electronic class discussions
This site gives special reference to listservs, and summarises the main issues of online communication with students.

Resources for moderators and facilitators of online discussion
Z Berge and M Collins

Sloan Consortium
Formerly the Asynchronous Learning Network, this is a consortium of institutions and organisations involved in online education.

A peer-reviewed e-journal and resource for tertiary teachers, promoting teaching
And best practice in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Education in all tertiary settings.